Sunday 21 February 2016

The Good Stuff: Nighty Night

I found this series through an article about dark UK comedies and this series does not fail to deliver. Written and starring Julia Davis, she plays Jill, a sociopathic, narcissistic salon owner who will realizes that her husband's cancer diagnosis is the perfect way to steal the handsome doctor next door away from his disabled wife. Like a suburban Francis Urquhart, she will stop at nothing to get what she wants.

Sunday 14 February 2016

The Good Stuff: Some Like it Hot

This 1959 comedy consistently ranks as the funniest movie of all time and it is one of my all time favorites. Direct by Billy Wilder, it stars Jack Lemon, Tony Curtis as two depression-era jazz musicians who dress in drag and join up with an all girls' band (and Marilyn Monroe) to escape the mob after they accidentally witness the St. Valentine's Day massacre. It doesn't get any faster or funnier, folks.

Sunday 7 February 2016

The Good Stuff: Quick Change

If you call yourself a Murray fan, but have never seen this movie please turn in your ironic Murray t-shirt and decoder ring with the Sargent-at-Arms on your way out.

Sunday 31 January 2016

The Good Stuff: Black Sails

I wanted to hate this. It's produced by Michael Bay! Then I ended up binge watching the entire first series in a day and half. This is bodice ripping entertainment at its best, and the high production values make the sea battles as epic as they deserve to be.  Nothing really deep here, just a fun adventure yarn like a thick summer paperback.

Blending reality (Charles Vane, Calico Jack and Anne Bonny among others) with fiction (John Silver, Billy Bones) the show is a fast moving epic about betrayal, unchecked ambition and of course, lots and lots of booty.

Sunday 24 January 2016

The Good Stuff: Nextwave Agents of H.A.T.E.

Fing Fang Foom as a properly clothed U.W.M.D. 
I love the fringe. The place where the mainstream gets a choppy and rough, and the clean, clear waters of the center get disrupted enough to see the bed of shit its all built on. This is especially true in comic books where I haven't read a regular X-Man, Batman or Squirrel Girl comic in decades. But I love picking up the outlier titles, the ones done by the gifted artists and writers who are tired of figuring out what Xman they are going to have to kill this week.

Elsa shows a little EU Pride.
Nextwave, Agents of H.A.T.E. was written by Warren Ellis, drawn by Stuart Immonen and colored by Dave McCaig, the series follows the exploits of Monica 'I led the Avengers' Rambeau (aka Captain Marvel, Pulsar and others), Elsa Bloodstone, Boom-Boom, Machine Man and Captain @!%# as the fight Unusual Weapons of Mass Destruction and their own bosses in this hilarious parody of the Marvelverse.